Drum Dream Girl
This August, ICAN’s Audio Book Tour features our friend Adam Eccleston reading Margarita Engle’s Drum Dream Girl. Airing Thursday, August 19th at 5:00PM Pacific. With a rebroadcast Sunday, August 22nd at 8am.

Girls cannot be drummers. Long ago on an island filled with music, no one questioned that rule—until the drum dream girl.
In her city of drumbeats, she dreamed of pounding tall congas and tapping small bongós. She had to keep quiet. She had to practice in secret. But when at last her dream-bright music was heard, everyone sang and danced and decided that both girls and boys should be free to drum and dream.
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You can hear ICAN’s Audio Book Tour every third Thursday at 5pm PT with a rebroadcast the following Sunday at 8a PT. Check out more books featured in ICAN’s Audio Book Tour.