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Listen to ICAN

Welcome to ICAN!

The International Children’s Arts Network (ICAN) is a dedicated radio station for children to celebrate the joy of being a child, explore other cultures, and enhance their learning. ICAN provides access to the arts for all, and nurtures a love for music and literature.

3 children wearing headphones looking up at a wall painted with music

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Just a note to say how much our family is enjoying ICAN! I drive my two girls around a lot, and we have spent the last couple of weeks listening – and sometimes I listen when I’m driving by myself as well. My 5-year old’s favorites right now are the Mother Goose Suite and Jupiter from The Planets. She is also recognizing other composers, instruments, and telling me what the music ‘feels like’. Thanks for the great programming!

I wanted to say thank you for ICAN! When I heard that you had started this, I immediately let several of my friends know about it who work directly with youth. Please keep this going. It is greatly needed.