The ICAN Challenge
Recently, ICAN started the ICAN Challenge. A monthly challenge for all our listeners and friends.
Our first challenge asked folks to Design a creature that was wearing at least one item of clothing. We have had some fantastic entries from you. Including a Uni-raffe wearing a scarf, a Butter-Kitty wearing a bow and even a Party Hat Fish! We loved seeing the entries coming in, and we can tell that we have a lot of creative listeners out there.

We are already looking forward to our next challenge, coming on March 1st! (Hint: It is time to celebrate).
The inspiration for the ICAN Challenge comes from a game created for fans of ‘Taskmaster,’ a TV Show that asks its contestant to do fun, and sometimes, silly tasks for points. Just like a lot of things, the TV Show had to pause during the last couple of years, so this gave the creator of the show (Little) Alex Horne an idea. Why not give tasks to everyone, that they could do from home. This is called ‘Hometasking’ and each week folks at home would be set a task to complete. Over thirty in total.
Since my family and I, were fans of the show, we decided to record our attempts and submitted an entry for each task. We had such a wonderful time together. We created so many fun memories with each other, and they are all on video for us to look back on. We even made the Hometasking montage and had two of our videos in the Top 10 entries of the Week!
We turned our bathroom into a Bowling Alley, Recreated an Iconic Movie Moment, did something cool in slow motion, and showed off our Superpowers (See Below).
All of this was much needed, it has not been an easy couple of years for anyone. Being able to be creative and enjoy these fun projects together as a family has been wonderful.
This is why we want to bring you the ICAN Challenge. A fun, creative challenge once a month, to help you create memories too! Be sure to follow us on social media to keep up to date with all our challenges, you never know, you could see your work on ICAN!