How to Make a Friendship Bracelet

Whether you are hanging out with your friends to see a Taylor Swift concert or making new friends at school, it is great to know how to make a friendship bracelet! Just follow along this blog to learn how to make friendship bracelets to share with all your friends!
Step 1:
First let’s gather materials for our friendship bracelet! You will need:
A Pair of Tweezers
A Tape Measuring Roll
1 Roll of Stretchy Cord
A Pair of Safety Scissors
About 25-28 Pony Beads of Any Color
Alphabet Beads (Optional; If using Alphabet Beads make sure to count them apart of the 25-28 beads that you will use.)

Step 2:
Next, have an adult help you measure the stretchy cord for the bracelet. Measure the stretchy cord to 7in. If you find after measuring, that the bracelet feels too small or too big then this is the best time to adjust the string.

Step 3:
After measuring the string for your bracelet, start to add the beads to the string. To demonstrate on my bracelet, I used some letter beads to spell “ICAN RADIO” and mixed them with regular beads. Feel free to design your bracelet any way you like, just don’t add too many or the bracelet won’t tie together. Then cut the cord off the roll.

Step 4:
Finally, it’s time to tie the bracelet! However, this part is a little challenging, so make sure to ask for help. Before tying the bracelet gently stretch it out by pulling the stretchy cord with beads. 2-3 pulls is good to make sure it will stretch on anyone who wears it. Make the first tie in the bracelet like you are tying a shoe. Repeat this tie to create a double tie on top, but don’t pull the cord together yet. Place the tweezers inside the loop and pull the cord onto it. Keep pulling until it feels tight, then remove the tweezers.

Step 5:
Most importantly, After removing the tweezers, pull the cord ends tight. To really secure the ends, take both ends and place them in a loop then pull until there is one knot. Provided that the bracelet is secure, cut the extra ends of the bracelet.

Once your bracelet is made to how you like it, you can enjoy your bracelet and share some cool bracelet designs with friends all year round! Make sure to to tag on Instagram with your favorite designs!

Do you have any extra beads? Check out this blog we wrote about making Beaded Ornamental Corn and keep the fun going!