Sometimes it can be hard to identify certain feelings, let alone experience them! But did you know that listening to music is a great way to experience our emotions fully?… Read more In My Feels – Music for When I Feel SAD →
Music that inspires one of All Classical Portland’s Youth Artist Ambassadors, Diego Fernandez. Meet Flutist, Diego Fernandez, a senior at South Salem High School and one of All Classical Portland’s… Read more Play It Forward – Diego Fernandez →
Sometimes it can be hard to identify certain feelings, let alone experience them! But did you know that listening to music is a great way to experience our emotions fully?… Read more In My Feels – Music for When I Feel JOYFUL →
Music that inspires one of All Classical Portland’s Youth Artist Ambassadors, Noah Carr. Meet Violinist Noah Carr, a 16 year old Grant High School Senior and one of All Classical… Read more Play It Forward – Noah Carr →
Today may be International Cat Day, but let’s be honest, every day is worth celebrating our beloved felines. As it turns out, humans have been celebrating cats for thousands of… Read more Cats in Classical Music →
Who is Florence Price? is a book written and illustrated by the young musicians at the Special Music School at Kaufman Music Center in New York City. Lead by their… Read more 4 Steps to Write a Book →
Summer is a great season for spending time outside. When you go out in summer, what do you hear? Do you hear the sound of wind, or buzzing little bugs? There’s… Read more The Sounds and Sights of Summer →
When you listen to music, play an instrument, or sing a song, how do your pets react? Do animals like human music, too? At an elephant rehabilitation center in Thailand,… Read more Do Animals Like Human Music? →
Some people imagine that classical music is always serious, but that couldn’t be further from the truth! Lots of composers have sneaked jokes and fun into their music, from famous… Read more Musical Fun and Jokes →