Where Are They Now? Vocalist Jimmy Brown

All Classical Radio celebrates the 10th anniversary of On Deck with Young Musicians by following up with 10 of the musicians who were interviewed in the first season of the show. The series is hosted by All Classical intern Jahlysa Azaret.

Jimmy Brown is a baritone singer and Elementary Music Educator based in Portland, OR. In this episode, Jimmy shares his thoughts on his “On Deck” interview from 10 years ago. He also talks about his work as an educator, his favorite performance, and advice to young musicians to find their place in the music world.

Click here to listen to Jimmy’s 2014 episode.

The following is Jimmy’s 2023 bio:

Jimmy Brown is a 5th-year music educator. He currently teaches elementary music in the Gresham-Barlow school district. He graduated from the University of Oregon in 2019 with a Bachelors of Music in Music Education. While studying in Eugene, Jimmy sang in the UO Chamber choir for four years under the direction of Dr. Sharon Paul, participated in the Oregon Bach Festival Chorus, held a section leader role in the chorale of the Central Lutheran Church of Eugene, and sang for the academic early music ensemble, Vox Resonat. He currently sings with the local Portland choir, In Medio. He is also the Like Voice Changed Voices Conductor for the Oregon Repertory Singer’s Youth Choir.