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Listen to ICAN

Welcome to ICAN!

The International Children’s Arts Network (ICAN) is a dedicated radio station for children to celebrate the joy of being a child, explore other cultures, and enhance their learning. ICAN provides access to the arts for all, and nurtures a love for music and literature.

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My son, Timothy, and I started listening as a way to calmly drive through town and has transitioned to listening while reading or building cardboard projects at home, weekend chores, etc. He started asking the teacher to play your station during quiet reading. It’s inspiring to see an 11-year old connect with music in a way I didn’t expect and I love it. Thank you for inspiring my family to listen to your station.

I love all classical! My three kids and I listen every day. It makes me happy to bring this lovely music into my children’s lives. The music brings a groundedness to our often busy lives.